Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Spice of Life

I read somewhere, (The Glutenfree Goddess) that you should have a signature/secret ingredient.  I have chosen Ginger Zingiber officinal for mine.  So, I decided maybe I should grow some.  I bought some fresh ginger root from my local grocer about 2 weeks before Christmas.  I used one tuber, (actually ginger is neither a root, nor a tuber, but actually a rhizome or underground stem) and set the other one aside, hoping that the bump was an eye, and that I would get a sprout and Voila!

If you look closely at the bulbous form at the base of the sprout, you can see little pre-roots forming.  That is my signal to plant this soon.  I am going to keep it inside because it is a vigorous plant, which is a nice way of saying invasive, and also because I want to keep an eye on it.

Kew gardens says this plant is possibly native to India, and it also does best if the ground is wetter than dry.  YMMV.

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